Small Loans
Sometimes an unexpected charge or bill can come out of nowhere and the money left in your account until payday just won’t cover both the payment and your everyday living costs. Even a relatively small expense that you didn’t see coming can leave you struggling to find the funds, which is where small loans can come in handy. At BingoLoans, we offer loans from as little as £100 right up to £1,500.
What are Small Loans?
Small loans can help keep you on your feet until payday, and the manageable amounts they come in mean you can repay them quickly, with no fuss. This means that unexpected bills can be resolved as soon as they appear, and your repayments can be settled by the date of your next payday.
How can a Small Loan help me?
Used responsibly, a small loan can help ensure you do not miss any urgent payments when you do not have enough money in your bank account. A small loan can also help you to pay for any unexpected financial emergencies such as a car repair or a broken boiler. Not being able to make important payments such as these can be very stressful. It can add discomfort or inconvenience to your life if you have to wait a few days or weeks to save up the money when all you really want is a quick and easy solution.
When would you use a Small Loan?
A small loan could be useful in a variety of situations:
- Paying an urgent bill
- Vehicle repair
- Broken boiler
- Medical treatment
- Home improvements
Because small loans are usually just a few hundred pounds in value and paid back over a few weeks or months, they are perfect for cash emergencies.
Am I eligible for a loan?
Anybody is eligible to apply for a small loan online. If you are looking now, you could complete our online application form and receive a quick loan decision from ourselves or one of our lenders. If successful, we may be able to transfer your funds the same day. To better your chances of getting a loan, you must:
- Be over the age of 18
- Live in the UK and be a UK resident
- Have a regular source of income
- Have an active bank account
Apply with BingoLoans?
Applying for a small loan online can be done through your mobile device, tablet or desktop. Typically, our online application form will ask you for some key information about yourself and your spending habits. It is important to be as honest as possible to ensure you do not make a mistake or provide incorrect information. If you do, it might impact your chances of success.
It will normally take anywhere from 3-5 minutes to complete an online form.