Alternatives to Payday Loans
Looking for alternatives to payday loans? When you’re in a financial pickle, turning to a payday loan can seem like such an easy thing to do. It gets you out of a rut at a difficult time when you have no money but, in desperation, you may not look at how much the interest payments will really cost you and you might not even care!
Instead of panic borrowing and turning to payday loans, there are loads of alternatives you can use that won’t see you stung by extremely high interest.
What are the Alternatives to Payday Loans?
Credit cards |
Bank and building society loans |
Bank overdraft |
Credit unions |
Family friends |
Considering a Payday Loan
As handy as payday loans can be if you have a poor credit score and require emergency funds, these alternatives are likely to provide a cheaper means of borrowing money. However, if you’re looking for a payday loan to help you over then apply now.