Are Emergency Funds Actually Helpful? Whether you have any debt or not, people will constantly tell you that you should have an emergency fund, just in case anything goes wrong. And, they are completely right. Emergency funds can be very helpful as you never know what
Should I lend money to family or friends?
Should I lend money to family or friends? When people are in need of some extra money for emergencies or bills, typically, as a lender we advise them to visit every other option before choosing to take out a loan. Having a family member or friend come to you wanting
The Most Common Budgeting Mistakes That People Make
The Most Common Budgeting Mistakes That People Make A budget is an essential part of when it comes to managing your finances. But, that does not mean that budgeting is easy. Millions of people throughout the UK find it difficult, confusing and even stressful but how can
How To Save Money When Dining Out
How To Save Money When Dining Out According to Statista, 3948% of Brits dine out each month. Followed by 34.15% of people dining out a few times a month, 17.78% every week and lastly, 8.5% several times a week. This proves that dining out is a regular occurrence for a