How Do I Set Up An Emergency Fund For The New Year? Creating an emergency fund and increasing your financial focus are two of the most crucial financial decisions you can make as the new year starts. Whether it's an emergency with your health, a job loss, or car
Incorporating Money Management Skills into Your New Year’s Resolutions
Incorporating Money Management Skills into Your New Year’s Resolutions As the New Year draws near, many of us begin to reflect on our aspirations and goals. While resolutions often emphasise personal development, health, and career growth, one vital aspect that is
3 Free Ways to Celebrate Easter on a Budget
3 Free Ways to Celebrate Easter on a Budget The Easter holidays bring a welcome break for children, but keeping them entertained without breaking the bank can be a challenge. While exciting day trips and getaways are tempting, they can quickly drain the budget. Many
Master Budget Gift Giving During The Winter Season
Master Budget Gift Giving During The Winter Season The winter season is swiftly approaching, and let's face it, most of us don't have a stash of cash set aside for gift-giving. With all of the other necessities we feel we need to buy throughout the festive periods
Reducing Invisible Spending
Reducing Invisible Spending Invisible spending is something we are all guilty of, whether we like it or not. Unless you are a financial expert or an extremely strict spender, you'll often end up spending much more than anticipated throughout the month. Although it
The Dangers of Payday Loans
The Dangers of Payday Loans Payday loans are seen as an easy solution for sudden financial problems. Despite being helpful in certain circumstances, many individuals advise against applying for this kind of loan. It's suggested that you should only borrow as a last
Fixing Your Finances For 2023
Fixing Your Finances For 2023 With 2023 right around the corner, it is time for you to set your finances off on the right foot. With the increase in living expenses, 2022 has been a difficult year for most people financially. Unfortunately, millions of households around
How To Live A Healthier Lifestyle On A Budget
How To Live A Healthier Lifestyle On A Budget Increases in living expenses have made the process of budgeting much harder than it should be. This means that we often find our finances categorised in an incorrect order, making it even more difficult to control our
Budget Friendly Activities To Keep The Family Entertained
Budget Friendly Activities To Keep The Family Entertained For many families, managing their finances during the summer months can be hard. With the kids off school for the summer holidays, you'll find yourself constantly trying to keep them entertained over the course
Eating Out vs Cooking At Home Costs
Eating Out vs Cooking At Home Costs You'd be surprised at the difference in cost between eating out and cooking freshly made meals at home. The amount of money you could save by cutting out some of your meals would shock you. However, it is always harder than it sounds