Are Emergency Funds Actually Helpful? Whether you have any debt or not, people will constantly tell you that you should have an emergency fund, just in case anything goes wrong. And, they are completely right. Emergency funds can be very helpful as you never know what
Should I lend money to family or friends?
Should I lend money to family or friends? When people are in need of some extra money for emergencies or bills, typically, as a lender we advise them to visit every other option before choosing to take out a loan. Having a family member or friend come to you wanting
How Will Late Loan Repayments Impact Your Finances
How Will Late Loan Repayments Impact Your Finances? Keeping on top of your finances in everyday life is something which most of us prioritise over other essentials. People tend to stick to a budget or manage their money weekly to ensure that they are not overspending.
Buying vs Renting In The UK
Buying vs Renting In The UK Buying a home, whether it is a house or a flat is easily one of the biggest purchases you will make throughout your life. But, with that being said, the price can be very daunting. So, some people prefer to find the perfect home and rent it.
How Is Online Banking Helpful?
How Is Online Banking Helpful? Most of the major banks will offer an online banking service to help you keep on top of your finances. This allows you to control the balance you have in your accounts through a web-enabled device. You would download an app on your phone
Can I Get a Loan with a Bad Credit Score?
Can I get a loan with a Bad Credit Score? Are you looking for a loan but have a bad credit score? Are you finding it difficult to find a lender willing to accept you? Continue reading to find out more about loans for bad credit scores and how BingoLoans can help! What
5 Ways To Boost Your Income
5 Ways To Boost Your Income Understanding the different ways you can boost your income could be beneficial to you, especially if you are wanting some extra cash. With the development in recent technology and the information on the internet, finding ways to do this is
What Can Trigger Emotional Spending?
What Can Trigger Emotional Spending? What are your spending habits like? Some people like to spend their money on whatever they see and like, others may save all of there money and just buy essentials. Whereas other people might spend their money due to emotional
A 2020 Guide To Payday Loans
A 2020 Guide To Payday Loans 2020 has so far been full of unexpected occurrences for everybody. Therefore, we never really know what's around the corner. Unexpected bills and debts are quite common, especially when we are least wanting them to happen. Therefore, why not
Psychology Of Saving And Spending Money
Psychology Of Saving And Spending Money There are various different reasons as to why we spend money. It could be that we emotional spend, we just spend because we want something or just because we need it. Whatever the reason for your spending, do you have a reason to