While some people may save for a good few months for their Christmas shopping money, sometimes emergencies can crop up which can affect your budget. This is how taking out a short term loan can help you, to give you a helping hand when you need them. Christmas is one
How to Survive the Black Friday Period on a Budget
Surviving Black Friday 2019 Black Friday is approaching faster than we all expected! We're all gearing up for the biggest sales period of the year and we're here to help you get ready! Read on to find out about Black Friday and how to survive Black Friday on a budget.
Top 10 Holiday Destinations For 2020
Top 10 Holiday Destinations for 2020 We all deserve a holiday and a chance to relax. When you shop around and plan in advance, it's possible to get a great deal on your holiday so you can have a great trip, even on a budget. Here are 10 amazing holiday destinations that
Payday Loan Urban Legends
A time when ghost stories and urban legends are shared by kids up and down the country. Hocus Pocus is the Focus and Trick or Treating is the game! Read on to find out the truth behind some spooky Payday Loan Urban Legends... It's a time for youngsters to knock on
Credit Score Errors That Stop You Getting A Loan!
Did You Know that 50% of credit scores have fixable errors that will stop you getting a loan? Shocking isn't it?!! Bingo Loans tackles 'Credit Score Errors That Stop You Getting A Loan!' Firstly, never fear Bingo Loans is here! We can assist with all of your concerns
Find Out More About Diwali!
Find Out More About Diwali! Diwali (or Deepavali) is a 4-5 day festival predominantly celebrated by Hindu's/Sikhs and Buddhists. Join BingoLoans as we Find Out More About Diwali! Avali Deepas It will commence on 27th October this year. Celebrations will take the form of
Quiz: What’s Your Spending Style?
Quiz: What's Your Spending Style? There's a whole spectrum of spending habits out there, and life's twists and turns can send anyone flying from one end to the other. Where you're at on your current money journey can also reflect subtle personality traits or stages in
World Habitat Day, There’s No Place Like Home
October 2019, Welcomes: World Habitat Day Firstly, the word 'habitat' can mean many different things to many different people. It includes anywhere living things may call home. For example, Edinburgh, London and Europe are all habitats. From the Amazon Rain Forest to
Affordable Ways to Update Your Winter Wardrobe
Looking to Update Your Winter Wardrobe? It's early October and there's already a bite in the air when you step out. Folks are busy dusting off their trusty old parkas and reliable leather footwear ready to battle the elements. Trying to think of affordable ways to
Celebrating International Coffee Day
We didn’t check the papers, but it must've been front-page news that this week had us celebrating International Coffee Day!? Ok, maybe not the Front Page, but somewhere in there we're sure. Many of us love a nice double espresso to get going in the morning. So