How To Budget When You're Paid Monthly Depending on the company you are employed by, you may get paid weekly, every fortnight, or monthly. Each different payment schedule will involve a different budgeting method. Finding the budget which suits you and your finances
Is Online Banking The Best Way To Track My Spending?
Is Online Banking The Best Way To Track My Spending? Although online banking has been available to the public for years, it has never been this convenient. With the ability to access an app or website at any time through a web-enabled device, you are much more inclined
How Can I Spend Less Over Summer?
How Can I Spend Less Over The Summer? With summer being right around the corner, and all of the restrictions easing more and more, your spending habits may be becoming very chaotic. After being in the position where shops and restaurants are closed, enabling you to
3 Alternatives To A Credit Card
3 Alternatives To A Credit Card In today's society, the number of people going cashless is rapidly increasing causing the use of credit cards to decline. But, is this a good thing? In some cases, they can be extremely helpful however, in others, they could be the worse
What Actually Is A Payday Loan?
What Actually Is A Payday Loan? You've probably heard plenty of stories mentioning payday loans floating around the media, and the likelihood of them being negative is high. Despite them being helpful and convenient they are something that can cause further financial
How To Reduce Your Invisible Spending Habits
How To Reduce Your Invisible Spending Habits Invisible spending is usually made up of all them smaller purchases which you are unaware that you made until you see the impact on your bank account later on. At the moment invisible spending is more common than ever. This
How To Save Money As A Young Adult
How To Save Money As A Young Adult Getting into the swing of finances is difficult as a young adult, especially with having not much prior experience. Money management is a difficult topic which is not taught in many places like schools or colleges. Therefore, it really
Advice And Tips When Looking For A Job
Advice And Tips When Looking For A Job Looking for a job is difficult in the best of times, nevermind during a worldwide pandemic. With job losses over the previous year and this year, less and less companies seem to be hiring as they do not know what the year will
Keeping Busy During February Half Term
Keeping Busy During February Half Term Keeping yourself and the kids entertained and busy during the February half term is difficult at the best of times. But with the coronavirus thrown into the mix and a lot of entertainment being temporarily closed, it is even more
Planning And Achieving New Monthly Financial Goals
Planning And Achieving New Monthly Financial Goals Not all financial goals will be able to be completed in a month, we know that. But, for those smaller ones which possibly could be, why not give it a go? Depending on the size of your goals and how fast you typically