Payday Loans Direct Lender
A Payday Loans Direct Lender is exactly what it sounds like, it is a company that will lend to you directly without using a middleman or other loan provider. Life has a habit of every now and then of presenting situations where you require a cash injection in a hurry. If the washing machine has flooded or found the car won’t start, you’ll know to turn to a company who is a payday loan direct lender.
Payday Loans Direct Lenders Only
The issue is that the rest of your life doesn’t stop just because you need to get your hands on some extra money – so where can you get a short term cash injection, that won’t put you into massive debt? The answer is for you to consider a payday loan from BingoLoans one of the last true direct lenders left – even if you’ve got bad credit, you can still get money within 24 hours, to help you deal with life’s emergencies.
12 Month Payday Loans Direct Lenders
When browsing for a payday loans direct lender, you’ll do well to consider direct lenders only – like BingoLoans. What is a direct lender? A direct lender is an organisation that deals with your application and pays out your money. The alternative is a broker, where you will make your application and the broker will then try and get you a deal from multiple other lenders. We offer loan terms from 3 months upto 12 months for all our borrowers.
24/7 Payday Loans Direct Lenders
Getting a loan from direct lenders has its benefits – for example, it’s much faster as you only need to make one application to one lender, so the decision-making process is quicker. It’s also cheaper because some brokers will often require some sort of fee (not BingoLoans though). This is where a direct lender will make their money through the interest of your repayments. The main difference between BingoLoans and the other payday lenders is that although as a direct lender, we are also a loan broker. Duringuring your loan application, we will do a credit check, to review your credit score. This ensures that you can afford the loan itself, all of which means you get the best of both worlds.
Online Payday Loans Direct Lenders
So, a payday loan is extremely useful for giving you a short term cash injection, but who do you trust? You should make sure you only deal with a loan organisation that’s reliable, transparent, and experienced. In short, you need to make sure you come to BingoLoans. We’ve made the application process as easy possible for our customers, to get you your money as quickly as possible. Once we’ve approved you for a loan, we’ll do our best to get you paid out in under 24 hours where possible.
Applying for a BingoLoans payday loan is simple! First, use our handy sliders to check the interest level and repayment terms on your ideal loan. We can offer you anything from £100 to £1500.