No Fees Direct Lender
When you’re searching for a payday loan, you may be looking for a loan provider who is a no fees direct lender. Everyone suffers unexpected expenses once in a while. You could be driving to work and your car breaks down or your boiler and washing machine could accidentally get damaged and require emergency repairs.
Since these problems are unforeseen, you may not have enough money to fix them. However, unfortunately, all types of loans have fees attached whether that is interest or APR rates.
Loans for Bad Credit No Guarantor No Fees Direct Lender
This is where payday loans come in. With these products, you can get small loans at reasonable interest rates. The loans are usually short term, typically requiring repayments after 3 to 12 months.
These products are especially great for people with bad credit histories since they are generally unable to access loans through traditional banks. We have a very high acceptance rate, even for people with bad credit.
Payday Loans UK No Fees Direct Lender
As a direct lender, we will either give you the loan ourselves or link you to one of our partners. Since we have many approved lenders, you can be sure that you will get a suitable product in a very short time.
To get a loan, you will only need to provide proof that you are above the age of 18 and that you are employed. In some cases, we will consider other sources of income. People with all credit histories are welcome to use our service, but the interest rates may be adjusted to cover the risk of default. If you have a bad credit history, you can access better rates by lowering the amount of money requested.
12 Month Loans No Fees Direct Lender
At BingoLoans, we offer loans from 3 months to 12 months. With 12 month loans, you are able to repay your loan in 12 monthly instalments. This is easier for those who want to repay their loan in smaller installments than in one big lump sum. However, with spreading the cost comes APR rates and that is also something to consider.
No Guarantor No Fees Direct Lender
The good thing about Bingoloans is that all our processes are online-based. You can get a loan straight from your home and handle all your emergencies in good time. The application process is quite simple and notably quick. You just need to enter some personal details, including your income and expenses, and we will automatically match you with a suitable lender.
As mentioned earlier, the loan could be obtained from our company or one of our approved lenders. If we match you with a different lender, you will be directed to their website where you will complete the application. Many people love the fact that our application process does not involve any phone call interviews or physical meetings. Also, no guarantor will be required.
Quick Loans No Fees Direct Lender
Payday loans are usually meant to be used in emergencies. So, that is why we endeavour to send you the money within 24 hours. Our approved lenders have the same policy in place, so you can rest assured that your emergencies will be sorted out before they cause serious inconveniences. Since we are a direct lender, you can be sure that our rates are highly competitive. Apart from the interest, no other fees will be required.