Instalment Loans
There are some situations in life when you need to get a loan as soon as possible. However, you may need some extra time to make the full repayment. If that is the case, instalment loans are an ideal choice. It allows you to solve your urgent financial needs fast. Also, you can repay the amount borrowed over a convenient time schedule.
Instalment Loans Direct Lenders UK
An instalment loan means you repay the money you borrow over a set number of repayments. These repayments are agreed upon before the loan is taken out and can be paid both weekly and monthly depending on the type of instalment loans you are looking for. These loans have traditionally been for larger amounts of money, such as £1,500 or less. However, they are now becoming increasingly popular with people who need short term loans quickly yet require lower and longer monthly repayments.
Instalment Loans Bad Credit Direct Lenders
Yes, applying for and ultimately taking out a short term loan which is then repaid on time can have a positive impact on your overall credit rating. By making regular and on-time payments against your short term loan with us you will be making positive steps towards improving an impaired credit profile.
Remember that at BingoLoans, upon receipt of your fully completed application, we will provide you with an indicative decision. Please note, should you choose to proceed with a loan offer from us, a record of this loan and your subsequent repayments will be recorded on your credit file.
Instalment Loan Bad Credit UK
You need to complete our online application form with your personal information required. Then we can make a decision on whether or not we can approve your application. You can be confident that any information you provide to us is handled securely – we are a direct lender as well as a broker. So we make all our lending decisions ourselves and we take data protection very seriously to ensure your information is always safe with us.
We have a few requirements that our customers must meet before they can apply for a loan, you need to:
- be aged 18 or over;
- must be living in the UK;
- be in employment or have a stable source of income;
- have a UK bank account with a linked debit card.
With a more flexible instalment loan, you have the opportunity to spread your repayments over time, so there won’t be a rush to repay everything in full on your next pay date and you have more time to get your finances back on track.
Instalment Loans Online No Credit Check
Low Rate Instalment Loans
When it comes to obtaining a low rate instalment loan, we consider ourselves to be a good option for borrowing funds. With BingoLoans, you can choose exactly how many months you want your loan to be for. As well as how many instalments you want to repay in. So, if you want to repay over three, four, five or six instalments, you can certainly do so.